Empower yourself by finding your WHY.
Simon Sinek became famous after his Ted Talk entitled “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”
Now, he is an international speaker and consultant helping businesspeople answer one question – WHY – about their business. Essentially, why are they in business. They may have started with the best intentions, but got caught up on the bigger, better, faster treadmill. When that happens, the WHY becomes stock price, profits, getting the product to the customer faster, beating the competition, etc.
As individuals, are we any different? Our treadmill might include the pressures of the workplace, a sick relative, educating our children, dealing with the effects of the Covid -19, money issues, single parenting, etc. Some may be on a power trip centered on power, greed, money, ego, or status.
John and I are often asked “WHY” are we so committed to empowering women and helping others. John’s article may provide some answers.
10 Positive Lessons from 2020
It may be difficult to find the silver lining in 2020, but there are some invaluable takeaways.
People say, “you learn more from your failures than your successes.” Then 2020 made me a genius. You, too. We’ve experienced the COVID-19 – 19 pandemic, high unemployment, social upheaval, economic downturn, national election chaos, and the upending of many social norms – i.e., holiday get togethers, concerts, sporting events, going to restaurants, vacations, etc.
We are stronger than before. Dazed for sure, but 2021 brings new opportunities. The lessons learned in 2020 will help us overcome the challenges of the new year. My ten (10) takeaways from 2020 include:
- Embrace change. Social media, the 24 hour news cycle, and instant everything have changed the world at rates never seen before. We may not be able to stop change, but we can determine how we respond to it. Be flexible, listen and learn. Surround yourself with positive thinkers who can teach and empower you. Be realistic but minimize any negative thoughts.
- Honesty and trust are the bedrocks of all interaction. 2020 showed me who I can trust, and those individuals that who fabricate a narrative to fit their personal needs and objectives. To grow as a person, I’m trying to learn how and why they view the world so differently. For me, 2020 solidified the importance of trust and honesty.
- Your beliefs. Young people have always lived in a world where democracy, civil rights, gay rights, and women’s rights are the accepted facts. Yes, there are flaws, but 2020 reminded us that these things are not always a given. They have to be continually enhanced and refined them until we can fulfill the first three words in the US Constitution: “We the people…” Keeping these rights will always takes sustained effort. Always move forward. Empower yourself by finding your WHY.
- Positive personal evaluation and self-growth. Let’s face it, 2020 turned our lives upside down. It forced us to look at how we spend our time, our money and how we work and how we educate our children. Many of life’s pleasures have changed. For example: going to coffee with friends, enjoying a meal at a favorite restaurant or putting your kids on a bus for school. We must establish new norms. In five years, I’ll look back to see what changes had lasting effect. How did I change? Am I self-absorbed? How will I have grown as a person? A husband? A father? How will I answer, “Who am I?” Empower yourself by finding your WHY.
- Communication: Over the last several years we have been losing the art of communicating, but 2020 solidified it that decline. We were like prize fighters in the ring waiting for the fight to begin. Both side thinking they were right, not listening and talking pass each other. We have to breakdown these communication silos and minimize group think. Communication starts with listening and I’ll admit that is not my strong suit. We have to learn how to talk to each other again, and not simply listening for an opening to express our views. By the luck of our birthplace, we live in the greatest country in the world. If we want to give our children a better world we have to communicate better than we have done in 2020.
- Free time. The pandemic gave me a crash course on time management and what retirement will be like. Suddenly, I had lots of time on my hands. No more driving to and from work. No more taking the kids to school, soccer practice or music lessons. Gone are those time consuming physical meetings. ZOOM is my new best friend. 2020 taught me time management skills, setting boundaries and what is important.
- Work dynamics. I’m a people person, but I’m drama adverse. Gossip, fabricating stories, office politics, bullying and self-important individuals are all things I can do without. There are many positive reasons to work in the office, but too often there are wasteful interactions that affect individuals, teams, clients, and the company.
- Importance of family and friends. I will admit it. I’m embarrassed to say it, but it’s true. I took my friends and family for granted. It wasn’t just me, that was the norm for most everyone. We were always there for each other. Dependable, caring and we had each other’s back. Suddenly, we couldn’t see our friends or some relatives because of the pandemic. It taught me to be a better friend, father, and husband. Thank you for always being there for me. I promise to do better in 2021. Empower yourself by finding your WHY.
- Climate change. We can and we must do better. In 2020, greenhouse gases were down by 17%, and unexpectedly we saw fish in canals of Venice, in California we saw the Los Angeles skyline and breathed fresher air. Young people are leading the charge to renewable energy – for themselves and their children. This is an area we can make a dramatic difference. By the world slowing down, and we saw the possibilities of a cleaner environment. Do this for the kids!
- Empower and encourage others. Consider 2020 as a hiccup or a touch on the breaks. To say the least, it was not a normal year. It gave all of us a chance to answer a few difficult, but important questions. Was I too focused on my goals? Was I insensitive to the needs of others? Do I live in an “I” world or a “We” world? How can I empower others, encourage them, and help them succeed? Empower yourself by finding your WHY.
The year 2020 is one for the history books. The world was broadsided from all sides. We are bloodied and bruised, but most of us survived. Too many of us did not. At this writing over 350,000 people have been lost due to the pandemic. Many did not have to die. To honor their sacrifice, I vow to be different, better. I will listen more and seek to understand another’s viewpoint. I’ll replace gossip and negative self-talk with empowering words and actions. I will embrace change and help those who are struggling. Some of the people who died fought in WWII for the rights we now cherish. I will work to keep all of our rights.
2020 gave me a chance for a personal review. 2021 will be my action year. Yours?